
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thursday Day 6

Today was our Wreck Certification course.  Steph, Andy and I were doing the course together and we got up to have breakfast before meeting Dive BVI.  Breakfast at Scrub was great!  Laura was also feeling better and joined us.  After breakfast, we grabbed our gear and headed over to meet Dive BVI.  They pulled up, loaded us up and we were off for the Rhone.

We were the first boat in.  Grabbed a spot and started getting ready.  We went over the training we were going to do with Tara, but a lot of it was just enjoying the dive too.  Steph and I have dove the Rhone a few times before, but this was Andy’s first time.  We descended and spent the first dive going around the bow as you typically do.  I ended up swimming through the hatch (as seen in the Deep) twice (we passed it twice) and we also did the swim through which is always very cool!  Over all, the dive was great!

We had a 45-60 minute surface interval before heading in for dive two which would focus on the stern.  For this, we did some line training using the reel.  Seemed to go well at first until we go the line all tangled.  We sorted it out though and moved along to enjoy the site and this part of the dive was great too. 

After the dive, we headed back to Scrub where we collected the crew (aside from Laura and Andy who would be staying at scrub another couple of nights) and off we headed for North Sound.  We motored the whole way as it was all upwind and we were late leaving scrub (3pm or so).  We got to Leverick before 5 and docked.  I headed up to check on the rental car.  Went back to the boat for a bit and then back up to take of the rental.  Back to the boat for a bit, said Hi to Nick and then we were off to Coco Maya for dinner! 

If you haven’t been to Coco Maya, you should add it to your list.  It was great!  Steph said she could never eat out in the BVI anywhere but here and that would be fine.  They offer all sorts of tapas, large and small and we ordered a number of small ones, one large and enjoyed them all.  And not only is the food great, the place has a very unique atmosphere with some interesting bar seating  and a gas firepit with equally interesting lounge chairs around it.  We got to enjoy this while waiting for our table.

After dinner, we headed back to the boat and called it a night.  It was a long, busy day!

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