
Monday, November 11, 2013

Monday Day 3

Another great morning.  This time we got up earlier and we’re on our way in to the dinghy dock by 9am for breakfast.  We headed over to D’Best Cup and had a great breakfast.  We then did a little shopping and we’re heading out of Soper’s by 11am. 

Wind was great today blowing 16-20 knots so we raised the sails and had a nice sail over to the Indians.  We got our dive gear out and half the group dove and the other half snorkeled.  It was one of our friends first dive in 3 years, so we took it easy and just circled and headed back to the boat – this was a great refresher dive!  Saw a decent number of fish and one we’ve never seen plus a rare one.   Got some video of them both!

We had thought about a 2nd dive at Rainbow Canyon’s, but as it was now getting later we decided to head to Norman and call it a day.  I thought about getting shots at the Indian’s with my copter, but it was so windy I decided against it.  Once at Norman, the wind wasn’t quite as strong so I took it out for a flight.  Flight was great and I got some great shots!  It was the landing that was a problem.  With the wind what it was, I was trying to land at the stern of the boat on the space between the hulls.  The wind was pushing it back and forth and it ended up bumping into the side, the prop that hit stopped spinning and the copter and camera dove straight into the water!  I immediately put the controller down and jump in after it lifting it out right away and immediately rinsing it with fresh water.  As I write this, I’m still not sure if either will work at all.  I’ll find out after letting them dry out overnight and will power them on tomorrow.  Fingers crossed!

That's us on the left

Last picture the camera ever took!

After that incident, we did some cleanup on the boat – decks were really dirty – not sure how that happened.  Had my second unexpected dive into the water when the rope on the bucket came loose, I dove off the bow and grabbed it just as it sank, loosing my contacts in the process when I had to open my eyes underwater to be able to see it.  After this, we just relaxed with some drinks for the evening, eventually making dinner (mexican Monday!) of burrito's.  They we're good!

Update on copter incident - Bad news is the camera is toast.  Time for an upgrade I guess.  Good news is copter isn't so bad.  3 of the 4 motors seem to work.  I still need to take it apart, but it seems just 1 motor and/or speed controller needs to be replaced as well as the GPS board.  Not too bad and certainly a lot less costly than replacing it. 

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